Godly Trait of the Month: January

Each month we talk to students about a character quality or Godly trait. We reinforce the idea via scripture and with a song. The character quality of the month for January: Respect Definition: Treating others with honor and dignity Memory Verse: 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not […]

2021 Christmas Program at Charleston Bilingual Academy

What a wonderful Christmas season we had! Our students took the 2021 holiday season to learn about how people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Through our reimagined Christmas program, students and their families were able to tour our campus where they made stops in spots that reflected different countries in Asia, […]

Mask update, protocol change

We have been so blessed this year at Charleston Bilingual Academy. Through our efforts as a community, we’ve protected so much of our in-person class time. That is vital to our students’ learning. We thank you for the precautions you’re taking. We thank our teachers for their flexibility in moving instruction outside and working with […]

What’s in the Works at CBA

We have some big dreams for CBA. Since the launch of Charleston Bilingual Academy, we’ve been on a God-sized adventure growing this school. We started seven years ago with three teachers and seven students. The teachers took the job as volunteers for the first month because we weren’t backed by deep pockets. But we trusted […]

Pulling off the Carpet: A Message from Mrs. Marilyn

For the last month, we have been remodeling our home. Every room in the house had walls covered with wallpaper that had been there for many many years. Floors were covered with old, stained carpet, and door-frames were soiled and scratched. The kitchen was small and enclosed, cut-off from the other rooms. But, the house […]

Fostering and supporting our community

During our Chat with the Headmaster in November, we heard from three families impacted by the foster care system.  All three stories were powerful and humbling. WATCH HERE There is a major need for families to foster children in our state right now. In the last report from the Department of Social Services in August, […]

Expanding “education freedom” for students and families across our state

As our lawmakers return to Columbia in 2022, they will consider a key piece of legislation that will impact private schools like ours.  Our rally cry for the Education Scholarship Account bill in the SC House is “Get It Thru in ‘22!”  For some national perspective, in 2021 18 states expanded existing or created new […]

The Dad that Disciplines: A Message from Dr. Johnson

In the months leading up to having another baby, one of my daughters was brimming with anticipation. We just knew she was going to love this baby like her own. I believe she thought she was getting a real-life baby doll for Christmas. Honestly, I was as excited about watching her love her baby sister […]

Raising Boys: A Message from Dr. Johnson

I look forward to future blogs, parent chats and conversations about boys and girls. For now, I would like to provide some resources for parents of boys. Did you know that boys’ bodies start injecting them with testosterone by the 8th week after conception? Did you know that boys have up to 20 times more […]

Dr. Johnson: The Why and the What of Christian Education at CBA

Dear Parents, This is the transcript of Dr. Johnson’s talk on the Why and the What of Christian Education at CBA. As you will see in this talk, we believe the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is more central to the universe than the sun is to the solar system.  YOU CAN WATCH […]