UPDATE: Semester 1 extracurricular activities end December 14; Semester 2 activities start January 8 – REGISTER NOW!

UPDATE 1/8/24: Semester 2 registration is now open for all extracurricular activities!  Registration does not auto-renew. Students who attended karate or soccer in Semester 1 will need to re-register for Semester 2. Students continuing through both semesters will be exempt from the Semester 2 registration fee. Click these links to register for Sports, Mandarin Club (Grades 1-7), or Art Club (Grades 1-4), or STEM Club (NEW in […]

CBA Volunteer Highlights

Thank you to everyone that has participated in CBA Spirit Nights to help raise funds!  With the help of CBA parent volunteer Nicole Tokarsky working to partner with local eateries, we have raised almost $1,000!  Thank you to CBA parent volunteer, Leah Norton, for helping to make the CBA Thanksgiving Feast and Pastor Appreciation event a […]

December 6: Director’s Chat: EC Director/Parent Connect

Learn more about CBA’s Early Childhood (EC) program with EC Director Margarita Lopez Hart. At CBA, EC is comprised of preschool and Kindergarten classes on the Friendship Baptist Church campus. We will discuss learning objectives and best practices according to both the National Association for the Education of Young Children and college programs that teach […]

December 1: Pack the Pantry for FBC & HABC Teachers

Let’s help fuel our teachers and show our appreciation for all they do to engage our students, by providing healthy snack options for them to grab throughout the day! Click here to sign up. Thank you!  Jackie Hammes, CBA Parent and Pack-the-Pantry Lead

November 28- CBA Moms Morning Out at Mepkin Abbey Creche Festival

Join us for a CBA Moms Morning Out at Mepkin Abbey’s annual Creche Festival, a self-guided tour of nativity displays from around the world. Meet at the Friendship Baptist parking lot at 8:30 am, carpool together to Mepkin Abbey, enjoy the nativity scenes from 9:30-11:00, and return to CBA by 12 for preschool pick up. […]