Our Time in 2022

Time – one of life’s most precious commodities yet far more limited than we wish. The last couple of weeks I was able to spend precious time with family. It had been ten years since my husband and I were able to celebrate Christmas with our 3 sons and their families (4 grandchildren!) in one […]

Growing Our Children Through Assessment

I love trees. From wind-blown evergreens to white-barked birch; from towering date palms to sprawling old oaks; Each tree elicits memories of years gone by.  Some of my earliest memories with my father were planting pine trees. Together we (myself, my dad, and my 4 siblings) would walk the fields, picking up rocks, preparing the […]


Denise McAnany is organizing a group to go caroling to homebound members in our community. CBA and Friendship families are invited to meet on Monday, December 20, 2021 at 6:30 pm. Contact Denise at admissions@charlestonbilingualacademy.org if you need more information.

Christmas program is reimagined with self-led tour this year

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Double your donation on Giving Tuesday

This Tuesday is Giving Tuesday. There is absolutely no pressure to give. We are dedicating this year’s Giving Tuesday funds toward teacher Christmas bonuses. We have a CBA family who is generously offering a $10,000 match to go toward those teacher bonuses.  So whatever you (or grandparents or friends) give even $10, it will be […]

Godly Trait of the Month: November

Each month we talk to students about a character quality or Godly trait. We reinforce the idea via scripture and a variety of books and songs.  The character quality of the month for November: Grateful Definition: Showing appreciation for what God has given me Memory Verse: 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, […]

School-wide lunch service survey

Some parents have inquired about the school offering an option to have lunch delivered to CBA students. To determine if this is a feasible idea for the school, CBA is collecting feedback from more families. Using a company like Food for Thought Charleston there are many lunch options like gluten-free or vegetarian, but having lunch […]

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