Thank you! Gracias! Xie xie!

Thank you to everyone who helped get CBA ready for the new year last Saturday! We are so grateful for the sweat and care you put into improving the facilities and for the fellowship.
Financial Planning!

Dear parents, we have added to the annual calendar when there are extraordinary financial requests so you can plan ahead. As a school, we want to be careful to not “nickel and dime” or charge surprise costs. For our academic programs, we annually charge a registration fee to cover yearly onboarding costs (January), a supply/textbook fee (July), […]
Godly Trait of the Month: April

Each month we talk to students about a character quality or Godly trait. We reinforce the idea via scripture, songs, and class projects throughout the month.The character quality of the month for April:CreativeDefinition:Thinking about a task, situation, or idea in a new way.When things get tough, believing that God has a plan for us, and […]
CBA Framily Fun Run

Framily Fun Run Dear CBA Parents, The biggest day of the year is coming fast! We are expecting 500 people to come to the first-ever CBA Framily Fun Run on April 30. Leading up to this exciting event, we have several activities planned. You’re reading that right. “Framily” is a combo of friends and family, […]
CBA embarks on the Association of Christian Schools International accreditation

In partnership with parents, CBA exists to inspire world changers through Christ-centered, intercultural, language immersion education. And CBA is growing! We want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to provide your child(ren) with the opportunity to flourish in their learning! Therefore, we have embarked on a grand adventure: ACSI accreditation. ACSI […]
Should your child’s education be different from your education? A Message from Dr. Johnson

Believe it or not, as parents, we do many things in life because that is the way our parents did it. From child-rearing, to eating habits, to the sport teams we cheer for (Go Tigers!) and what kind of pets we like or dislike. This often is true in the K12 education we choose for […]
Double your donation on Giving Tuesday

This Tuesday is Giving Tuesday. There is absolutely no pressure to give. We are dedicating this year’s Giving Tuesday funds toward teacher Christmas bonuses. We have a CBA family who is generously offering a $10,000 match to go toward those teacher bonuses. So whatever you (or grandparents or friends) give even $10, it will be […]
What’s in the Works at CBA

We have some big dreams for CBA. Since the launch of Charleston Bilingual Academy, we’ve been on a God-sized adventure growing this school. We started seven years ago with three teachers and seven students. The teachers took the job as volunteers for the first month because we weren’t backed by deep pockets. But we trusted […]
The Dad that Disciplines: A Message from Dr. Johnson
In the months leading up to having another baby, one of my daughters was brimming with anticipation. We just knew she was going to love this baby like her own. I believe she thought she was getting a real-life baby doll for Christmas. Honestly, I was as excited about watching her love her baby sister […]
Raising Boys: A Message from Dr. Johnson
I look forward to future blogs, parent chats and conversations about boys and girls. For now, I would like to provide some resources for parents of boys. Did you know that boys’ bodies start injecting them with testosterone by the 8th week after conception? Did you know that boys have up to 20 times more […]