Dear parents, we have added to the annual calendar when there are extraordinary financial requests so you can plan ahead. As a school, we want to be careful to not “nickel and dime” or charge surprise costs.
For our academic programs, we annually charge a registration fee to cover yearly onboarding costs (January), a supply/textbook fee (July), and 10 monthly tuition payments (July- April). Elementary students go on field trips and there might be a cost involved but the school can cover the cost if it creates a burden for your family. Intermediate school students (5th-8th grades) will go on a fall leadership retreat and will send in $75 to cover food costs. Other opportunities to give are completely voluntary (Christmas gifts to teachers, Teacher Appreciation Week (May) providing a food item for a Thanksgiving celebration, Christmas or End of the year party, or donate a book for your Child’s birthday). Elementary students will have the option to buy Pizza some Fridays. We will conduct 2 fund raisers a year that are both directed at providing more for our teachers- Giving Tuesday (November 29th, 2022) and Boosterthon (March). We will tweak the boosterthon experience for this coming year. Last year’s fund raisers covered teacher bonuses, subscription to Neighbor’s Med clinic and a retirement match program! We intend for fund raising efforts to reach past our current families. For example, 85% of Boosterthon funds were from people besides our current families (Grandparents were the big winners!).
While we are not CPA’s, we strongly recommend that you use a 529 plan to pay K-6th grade tuition to save on SC income tax. You should contact a CPA for more information

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