Saving for Tuition

Dear Parents,One of the schools in our network published the following blog which is very helpful in ways to leverage/save money during this crisis and prepare for tuition payments starting in July. Additionally, Charleston Bilingual Academy is implementing a referral fee to help CBA families with next year’s tuition costs. Starting today, if you refer a […]

50 Reasons to Fight for Your Marriage- Happy Mother’s Day Mom

“We are just not compatible.” “I’m not sure we were ever really in love.” “She/He just does not understand my needs.” “This is not the same person I married.” “I feel like I am married to a stranger.”… If your marriage is not going the way you dreamed of, how long do you hang on […]

The Generosity Station

Generosity. When you hear that word, what emotion is stirred in you? Joy? Skepticism? Weariness? Curiosity? Fear? Warm fuzzies? Anxiety?   I have met extraordinarily wealthy people who are depressed, and I have met impoverished people who are exceedingly grateful. I have met busy people who are generous with their time, and unencumbered people who […]