We’re in GO Mode – Get Your Pledges in Now!

ARE YOU READY TO HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR CBA TEACHERS?! We officially launched our biggest fundraiser of the year at a school-wide pep rally on Friday, April 8, and we have planned a slew of activities leading up to the FRAMILY FUN RUN on April 30! WHY we’re doing this FUNdraiser: 1) Connecting with each […]

Godly Trait of the Month: April

Each month we talk to students about a character quality or Godly trait. We reinforce the idea via scripture, songs, and class projects throughout the month.The character quality of the month for April:CreativeDefinition:Thinking about a task, situation, or idea in a new way.When things get tough, believing that God has a plan for us, and […]

CBA embarks on the Association of Christian Schools International accreditation

In partnership with parents, CBA exists to inspire world changers through Christ-centered, intercultural, language immersion education. And CBA is growing! We want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to provide your child(ren) with the opportunity to flourish in their learning!  Therefore, we have embarked on a grand adventure: ACSI accreditation. ACSI […]

Reading Together: A message from Mrs. Lane

Reading as a Family  Reading aloud together is great for all ages! The time spent reading, learning, and sharing together creates cherished memories. Plus, it’s great for your child’s learning! As you read, take time to talk together. Here are some questions to get the conversation started.  Before you begin a book, talk together!  – Look […]

Parent Chat: A Progress Report from Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Lane

Charleston Bilingual Academy has hit the midway point in the 2021/22 school year. Tuesday, Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Lane shared the school’s Progress Report during a morning Parent Chat. WATCH NOW During the Chat, Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Lane shared details on assessment, MAP testing, and more. Growing connections One area of focus for the […]

Rocks and Pebbles in the Jar of Life: A Message from Mrs. Lane

As I pushed my cart through the Target parking lot, I was frustrated. I was in a hurry and the pebbles under the wheels of my cart caused my coffee to splash unhindered. Just tiny pebbles, barely noticeable, and yet each and every one of them causing an unwelcome frustration at the moment. Life is […]

A deeper dive into the “intercultural” aspect at CBA: A message from Dr. Johnson

Our mission reads, Partnering with parents to inspire world changers through Christ-centered, intercultural, language immersion education. Every word and component has been intentionally crafted, trying to succinctly express our DNA. I want to do a deeper dive into the “intercultural” word. Various influences on culture include race, geographical region, home language, educational level, and socioeconomic […]