$35,000 Match

We are so GRATEFUL that 40 people have donated over $30,000. We only have $1,034 left to raise to meet our $35,000 match by December 31. Click here to give: https://charlestonbilingualacademy.org/building-campaign/

CBA 2023 Celebrations

Watch Dr. Nathan Johnson discuss the Celebrations of 2023 and what is coming for 2024! https://youtu.be/Fy4gv8aHXIo

December Character Quality: Humility

The character quality for the month of December: Humility Definition: Recognizing and admitting my total dependence on God Reference: Micah 6:8 We explain to students some practical ways they can practice this trait. I will: Learn to ask for and accept help Admit when I am wrong and seek forgiveness  Put the needs of others […]

December 17: Advent Services @ FBC & HABC

Sundays in Advent at FBC and HABC Advent season is upon as we wait with anticipation for the celebration of our Lord Jesus’ birth. Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) and Holmes Avenue Baptist Church (HABC) invites CBA families to worship with them every Sunday for special advent messages leading up to Christmas. Join FBC or HABC at […]

CBA STEM Club for Grades 3-7

The STEM club will equip students with foundational STEM skills, focusing on real-world projects while fostering teamwork and collaboration. Students will dive into chemistry, engineering, coding, and robotics in a fun hands-on  manner as their enthusiasm about various science fields grows and their eyes are opened to how God has wired them for creativity as […]

Costume & Parent Information for CBA Christmas Concert 2023

Please see detailed infomration about each classes costume informtaion. Below this you will find the times for each class to perform. Costume Information LOCATION: East Cooper Baptist Church, 361 Egypt Rd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 WHEN: Sunday, December 10, 2023 TIME: 2:30 pm – 2:55 pm Strings music and art display by CBA students 3:00 […]

Dec. 11-14 is MAP Growth Testing Week

It’s almost time for MAP testing week! Dec. 11 – 14 is MAP Growth testing week. This is an exciting time for you and your child to see and show all that they have learned so far this year and what they are ready to learn next. Grade 1 – 7 students will take MAP tests […]

CBA Celebration of Giving *Update*

“Celebration of Giving” **UPDATE** Thank you so much for your support as we raise funds towards school safety! The overall goal for the year is $300,000. Our immediate goal is to meet two matches – $35,000 total – by Dec 31. 28 donors have already given $19,471 towards the goal! We need at least $15,529 […]