Our staff, students, and families must work together to protect our classroom time from the interruptions of illness and quarantines.
In order to address the changing landscape of COVID-19, CBA has composed a task force of area doctors who meet regularly to analyze current COVID-19 trends and assess school protocols. The school is implementing a multi-layered comprehensive approach to minimize disease transmission. CBA administration, staff, and teachers are committed to keeping the CBA community informed on what the school is doing to protect students’ health.
All CBA families must work with the school to that end, and that is why we have created this agreement.
Parents should sign this commitment agreeing to stay home if they suspect their child has COVID-19, the child has tested positive for COVID-19, the child has COVID-19 symptoms, or their child or any of their household members have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19. Parents will also daily affirm that they have not had a close exposure to COVID-19 nor are symptomatic.