Dear parents of 6th and 7th grade students,

Your child’s class is going on a field trip! This is an excellent chance to further your child’s learning outside of the classroom.

On May 7, the 6th and 7th grade class will visit the SC Aquarium. Students will review all the major ecosystems and organisms they have studied this year at the aquarium and see conservation work in action. Students will build food chains at the Blackwater Swamp Exhibit as well as the Saltmarsh Aviary. They will determine what happens if levels of the food chain are missing and brainstorm ways to keep those ecosystems clean.

Aquarium Garage
24 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401

Students should:
**Bring their lunch with them

**Wear their lime-green CBA Fun Run shirt and khaki pants or shorts. 


11:00am – Leave CBA for the SC Aquarium 11:30am -12:30pm – Arrive, park, review plan, check in, begin scavenger hunt and tour in two groups (possible turtle talk) 12:30pm – Meet downstairs for an activity with animals, continue scavenger hunt and tour 2:00pm – Exit to see rays 2:15 0 – Leave the SC Aquarium 2:45pm – Arrive at CBA

Cost: $15 via Venmo to @charlestonbilingualacademy 

Please fill out the form below for your child.

Inspiring world changers together,

CBA Grade 6&7 Teachers

Please read and fill out the information below.
Time of Departure:11:00am
Time of Return:2:45pm
Aquarium Garage
24 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Transportation:The students will use personal vehicles or school bus for transportation.
Payment should be made via Venmo @charlestonbilingualacademy. 
Payment must be received prior to the day of the trip.
