2024-25 Professional Development/Early Release Days for Elementary & Middle School

Professional Development/Early Release Days for 2024-25: October 4 January 31 March 14 May 2 Dismissal will begin at 1:15 for students with last names A-J and 1:25 for K-Z. *All after-school activities are canceled on ER days including Kindergarten Afternoon Mandarin.
Weekly Celebration Report- Reading Buddies

Weekly Celebration Report: Celebrating Reading Buddies! At CBA, we believe that reading is to the mind what food is to the body. Just as we want to nourish our students with only the best fruits and veggies, we also want to feed their minds with the power of reading! According to the report Becoming a Nation […]
October 2: Parent Connect

October’s Parent Connect – a time to connect with other CBA parents and Administration together. Each month we delve into a topic to help us all become parents partnering together to see our children become creative thinkers, confident communicators, and courageous leaders. It takes a village! And we are so thankful YOU are part of […]
CBA Fall Festival and Vendor Market

UPDATE 10/4: Presale tickets for our Fall Festival are now LIVE! Check out the Group page for all your Fall Festival sign ups! https://cba.mycheddarup.com/ ORIGINAL POST: If you are interested in volunteering for the festival but were unable to make the meeting on the 26th, please email us at ptf@charlestonbiligualacademy.org. Depending on interest and availability we might […]
CBA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2024

September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month, an annual observance providing an opportunity to celebrate Hispanic and Latino Americans’ achievements, histories, traditions, diversity, and vibrant culture. This month was chosen because the dates coincide with national independence days in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Ethnic diversity is a […]
PTF Morning Mingle

October 2: Calling all CBA Parents! Join other parents after drop off for coffee, donuts and great conversation from 8:15-8:45 am in the fellowship hall at HABC. This will be immediately before the Parent Connect which starts at 8:45.
2024-25 PTF Events

January 28– Parent Mixer + PTF Meeting at HABC Fellowship Hall (Coffee at 8:15 & meeting at 8:45) All parents of CBA students are encouraged to attend and collaborate at the Parent-Teacher Fellowship Meeting on January 28th at HABC fellowship hall. Discover how you can actively support and encourage the teachers at CBA while building community […]
Weekly Celebration Report- Spotlight of Safety Patrol

Weekly Celebration Report: Spotlight on Safety Patrol! For this week’s celebration report, we are thrilled to shine a light on a standout group of students at Charleston Bilingual Academy who embody the spirit of leadership and service —our Safety Patrol Team! These remarkable 5th to 8th graders are truly leading by example and making a positive impact in our […]
September Character Quality: Thankfulness

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education.” To inspire world changers, it takes a partnership – a partnership in multiple facets including seeing your children become men and women of character. […]
Grade 4 Students Host Generations Gatherings

In partnership with parents, CBA exists to inspire world changers through Christ-centered, intercultural, immersion-based education. Service is not just ‘what we do’ but who we are. One exiting example, Generations Gathering, is back for the October edition! Looking to Jesus With CBA’s “Expected Student Outcomes” (ESOs) in mind, seeing the students become creative thinkers, confident […]