October 6: Father-Son Hike @ Palmetto Island from 2:-4:pm

Come join other CBA for the Father-Son Hike at Palmetto Islands Park, Mt Pleasant. If you have any questions please contact 843-614-7998.
October Character Quality: Honor

The character quality for the month of October: Honor Definition: Treating others with respect and dignity Reference: Phillipians 2:3-4 We explain to students some practical ways they can practice this trait. I will: See myself and others as created by God with value and importance Care for people no matter where they are from and […]
CBA Financial Planning

Listen below as Dr. Johnson speaks about Price vs Cost. https://youtu.be/dy1MAm9j_Yg Family Financial Planning At Charleston Bilingual Academy, we are committed to transparency regarding our financial practices. Our goal is to ensure that you are aware of all potential costs associated with your child’s education throughout the school year so you do not feel “nickled and dimed”, and can […]
Weekly Celebration Report-Celebrating Intercultural Immersion Education

The Countdown to our birthday is on! 9 Celebrating Intercultural Immersion Education Our mission reads, In partnership with parents, CBA exists to inspire world changers through Christ-centered, intercultural, language immersion education. Every word has been intentionally crafted, trying to succinctly express our DNA. This week we celebrate one key word in our mission: intercultural. With […]
CBA Mighty Oak Artist of 2024-25

Mighty Oak Drawing Contest Winners Announced! The voting is complete and the new “CBA Might Oak Artist” of 2023 – 2024 has been declared! Colossians 2:6 -7 reminds us, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith […]
October 12: Legare Farms Pumpkin Patch @ 10:00

Join CBA at our annual trip to Legare Farms Pumpkin Patch! October 12 @ 10:00 am Once you get to the entrance gate let them know that you are with CBA. Pick up your hayride tickets first, since CBA will be on the first two hayrides of the day. Legare Farms: 2620 Hanscombe Point Rd, […]
October 2-3: Pack the Pantry for FBC & HABC Teachers
In October, we are Packing the Pantry! Pack the Pantry is one of the many thoughtful ways parents can show the teachers their gratitude! It is as simple as 1-2-3.1. Parents can make a designated donation to the PTF (Venmo @CBA-PTF is preferred, last four 8944). 2. The PTF will purchase healthy snacks (or occasionally meals) in […]
Weekly Celebration Report-Celebrate Christ-Centered Culture

The Countdown Starts NOW! 10 Celebrate Christ-Centered Culture Throughout the Bible we see the language of “walking with God” (Adam and Eve, Enoch, the disciples…). If you remember on your first school tour, I commented how we at CBA seek a relationship with God. Relationships are core to being human. And I love the imagery […]
Picture Days at CBA!

Student Picture Days CBA is thrilled to work with CBA parent Jacqueline Fugatt to provide individual student portraits this year! EC @ FBC – 10/15 and 10/16ELMS @ HABC – 10/22 The make-up day for all students will be 10/28 at the HABC campus. ELMS students should wear their uniforms on their picture day.If your EC student does not usually […]
2024-25 Professional Development/Early Release Days for Elementary & Middle School

Professional Development/Early Release Days for 2024-25: October 4 January 31 March 14 May 2 Dismissal will begin at 1:15 for students with last names A-J and 1:25 for K-Z. *All after-school activities are canceled on ER days including Kindergarten Afternoon Mandarin.