From the Headmaster: Learning Loss during School Breaks

Dear CBA Community, Summer break is nearly here. Whoohoo! God has been amazingly good to us this past year. The school as a whole missed less days this past year than any of the prior years, when hurricanes kept interrupting our classes. Many of us are dreaming about vacations, BBQ, and a slower pace this […]
Kindergarten Reminders
This week: May 24: Kindergarten classes at the Blue Cottage for the remainder of the year May 25, 8 to 9am: Marisol & Hogla’s Kindergarten Breakfast on the basketball court May 26, 8 to 9am: Ingrid, Teia, Hai Ping & Lily’s Kindergarten Breakfast on the basketball court Next week: June 4, 10:30am-12pm – Kindergarten Graduation […]
CBA Kindergarten Class of ’21: Classes in the Blue Cottage Starting 5/24, Graduation Ceremony Relocated to the FBC Sanctuary
Dear Kindergarten parents, We have a few very special announcements as we end this FULL year of Kindergarten adventure! 1. THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES! Both Kindergarten classes will be moving back to the blue cottage; the first day of class there will be Monday, May 24. The movie production company was originally going to film again in the Armory Park during […]
Kindergarten Presents “Mi Mascota”
Kindergarteners have been teaching their classmates about their pets. They brought their fish, dogs, cats, and even a unicorn to class last week, and it was hard to tell who had the most fun!
Calling All Organizers: We Could Use Your Help on 3/26 in Kindergarten Classrooms
Today marks the beginning of Kindergarten’s last week in the blue cottage for this school year. We are looking for volunteers to help organize the classrooms at Armory Park once the movers have delivered everything Friday afternoon, March 26. If you’re interested and available to help, please email Jennifer Whitewing at
Watch November’s Parent Connect: Foster Parenting & a Peek @ Kindergarten
Watch these videos of CBA’s November Parent Connect on 11/18, when we heard from an Elementary teacher-parent as well as CBA foster parents and we took a peek at our 2 Kindergarten classes. Click here to watch Part 1; click here to watch Part 2.