Check out CBA’s redesigned website thanks to CBA Dad, Larry Collett!

We have been listening to our parents, writing notes and getting to work redesigning our website to make it a better experience for you. It is our goal to communicate all things CBA using the digital technology we all use every day and our website is one form of technology that we are focused on […]

Operation Christmas Child Update

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to collect 76 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!  Thank you to FBC for praying over the boxes and to John and Ann Burt from FBC for delivering them to the collection site.

Thank You to our Servicemen and Women!

Thank you to Kindergarten Assistant Maestra Teia, who dedicates her time to the Army,  and to all of those in our community who serve – we are grateful for you! Please share any pictures of service members in the CBA community on FB or email to