November 6: Morning Mingle & Parent Connect

 Join us for an exciting morning: coffee, pastries & great mingling with fellow parents at 8:15, an adorable demonstration by the kindergarten class at 8:45, and an incredible topic discussion led by our director. Calling all CBA Parents!Join other parents after drop-off for coffee, donuts and great conversation at 8:15 am in the FBC Fellowship Hall. The […]

November 19- Parents Morning Out at the Mepkin Abbey Crèche Festival

Please register to attend this free serene tour highlighting nativity scenes from around the world no later than November 14. Only 20 tickets available: Click below to sign up: Date: 11/19/2024 Time: 8:30am Depart From: We will carpool from the HABC parking lot.

November 12: PTF Meeting

Join us at the Parent-Teacher Fellowship Meeting on November 12 at FBC fellowship hall to discover how you can actively support and encourage the teachers at CBA while building community among the families. This will be an engaging meeting planning the winter & spring events. Coffee begins at 8:15 and meeting at 8:45.

December 19: CBA Christmas Concerts

Save the date for CBA’s Christmas Concert! This year EC will have their concert at Friendship Baptist Church (Preschool and Kindergarten campus) from 11:00 am -12:00 pm (Doors will open at 10:00 am). Elementary & Middle School will have their concert at Holmes Baptist Church (elementary campus) doors open at 1:00 and concert begins at 1:30. Scroll […]

Weekly Celebration Report- Celebrating Language Immersion Education

The Countdown to our birthday is on!                                    6 As parents, choosing the right school for our children is one of the biggest decisions we face. From neighborhood options to charter, private, virtual, or homeschooling—each choice shapes their future. […]

2024-2025 Quarter 1 is Done (Grades 1-8)

Quarter 1 is done! Partnering with you to see your child grow and learn is part of who CBA is.  We highly value that partnership and know that every successful partnership requires communication.  Two important emails are on the way! 1. Quarter 1 Report Cards will be emailed to you on Friday, October 25. 2. Instructions […]

SC Tuition Voucher Program: What Can You Do To Help?

Dear CBA parents, SC began a voucher program this year that provides $6,000 for approved families to use towards private school tuition. This year the program benefited 3,000 residents including some CBA families. The program was intended to grow quickly over the coming years which will benefit many if not all CBA families. However, the […]

CBA’s 10th Birthday is Giving Tuesday!

Dear CBA parents, Fall is upon us, a time of year to count our blessings and share our blessings. As I count the blessings I see in and at CBA, I would like to invite you into an opportunity to share blessings through Giving Tuesday. In our previous newsletter, you saw our post about CBA […]