Uniform Swap

Our children grow so quickly! Before we know it they have outgrown their school uniforms, so we have decided to have a uniform swap! How does it work? –    Donate clean uniform items that your children have outgrown to the “Swap Bins” at the HABC Front Door. –    Donated items must fit the CBA uniform […]

May 20: Last EC Teacher Lunch of the Year

Our last EC teacher lunch of the year will be May 20. Help us show love and appreciation for all our EC teachers have done this year by helping with the lunch. If you are able to help, please sign up using the link below.  https://ec-teacher-lunch.cheddarup.com

CBA Mighty Oaks Present the 23-24 Yearbook- Molded by the Master

CBA Mighty Oaks Present the 23-24 Yearbook – Molded by the Master Deadline to order with FREE SHIPPING: MAY 3   This year, middle school students had the opportunity to select an elective class, one of which was to design and create the 23-24 CBA yearbook from start to finish. In the fall, students teamed up […]

May 17: Coffee Bar for CBA Volunteers @ HABC

We want to say THANK. YOU to all who have volunteered at CBA this year! We could not do it without you! The Pastors of Holmes Avenue Baptist Church and Friendship Baptist Church are hosting a thank you coffee bar for all CBA volunteers on Friday, May 17, immediately  after drop off. Join us in the Fellowship […]

May 9: Informational Meeting about the 2024-25 CBA Bridge Program

NEW for the 24-25 School Year! CBA is opening a bridge program next year for students entering grades 4-6 with limited or no prior Spanish experience. These students will study one year of intensive Spanish immersion for beginners before being fully immersed into the CBA elementary/middle school program the following year. Spots are limited. Join […]

CBA Voted “Best Preschool” in 2024 Best of the Holy City!

We were notified by Charleston Living Magazine that CBA has won in the “Best Preschool” category!  Since opening our doors in 2014, the school has grown to over 315 students spanning 2 year olds through Middle Schoolers. The groundbreaking partnership with Charleston Southern University allows CBA to sponsor H1B1 visas. As a result the CBA […]

May Character Quality: Forgiveness

The character quality of the month for May: Forgiveness. Definition: Letting go of bitterness and revenge Memory Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Reference: Ephesians 4:32 We explain to students some practical ways they can practice this trait. I will: Acknowledge the pain others feel Seek […]

PTF Leaders Needed

Thank you to everyone who attended last week’s PTF meeting. As discussed in the meeting, PTF is growing and looking for new leaders for next school year. With the expansion of CBA, we need YOUR help in continuing to support our teachers and create opportunities for the CBA community to come together. The proposed new structure […]