September 13: PTF Meeting

Join us at the Parent-Teacher Fellowship Meeting on September 13th at HABC Fellowship Hall to discover how you can actively support and encourage the teachers of CBA while building community among the families. This will be an engaging and exciting introductory planning meeting to all of the fall events. Coffee begins at 8:15 and meeting […]

CBA Permission Slip for Transportation & Park Circle Grades 1-8

Dear parents, Throughout the year, students in Grades 1-8 will have opportunities to participate in activities at the FBC and HABC campuses. Students will also have opportunities to attend events at the Park Circle Playground and the North Charleston Sports Complex (1455 Monitor Street). These activities include but are not limited to: presentations to preschool […]

Authorized Pick-Up Tags

At the start of the year, each family will receive a carpool tag with your family’s unique family number.  Anyone authorized to pick up your child will be asked to show the tag at pick-up.  Please make sure to enter this information in the enrollment packet. Parents may also send a picture to the authorized pick-up person OR request an additional tag from the […]

Events at Holmes Avenue Baptist Church

Pastors Bryan Ayers and Walter Brigman welcomes you to visit Holmes Avenue Baptist Church (HABC) to worship with them on Sundays at 11 am. Holmes Kids gather during the worship time for age-appropriate worship and teaching from newborn through grade 4. You can learn more about HABC at or email Pastor Bryan directly at: […]

Volunteer Opportunities at CBA

There are many ways to serve and support CBA. Currently we need volunteers to attend tennis practice each Monday and Friday from 12:15-1:15 at North Charleston recreation center. If you are able to volunteer please contact Coach Myers at   

CBA Moms Who Pray

Come join fellow parents and grandparents of CBA every Monday as we pray for our children and the school.  All CBA parents/guardians/grandparents are welcome! -Location: FBC Sanctuary (enter through the back entrance) -Time: 8:30-9:00 am

August 23, New Family Welcome Breakfast for ALL Classes/Grades @ 8:15 am

The Parent Teacher Fellowship invites all new families to our ‘New Family Welcome Breakfast’, Friday, August 23 at 8:15am. After drop-off, join us inside Friendship Baptist Campus (Fellowship Hall). We will have pastries and coffee as you meet and greet other new families. If your child does not attend on Fridays, please still feel free to […]

August 19-20: MAP Testing for Grades 1-8

It’s time for MAP testing! This week CBA Elementary and Middle School are taking the beginning-of-year MAP test. All grade 1 -8 students will complete MAP in Spanish reading, English reading, and Spanish math. Grades 5 – 8 will also complete English Language Usage. The NWEA MAP Growth test is a nationally normed, standardized achievement test. It is a […]

CBA Afterschool Activities begin August19th

CBA Afterschool Activities will begin August 19th! Afterschool activities begin August 19 – it’s not too late to sign up. *Please note this date was incorrect on the school calendar but we have updated it. We have started a waitlist for these fall activities: STEM and basketball. Sports and Clubs   Kindergarten afternoon program