Invitation to Friendship Baptist Church

FBC welcomes all current and potential CBA families to worship with us every Sunday!  Bilingual services are held in English and Spanish on the 1st and 3rd Sunday every month.  On all other Sundays, Pastor Mark Timmons leads the English-language service and Pastor Luis Carreon leads the Spanish-language service.  Pastor Mark and Pastor Luis are […]

Meet the Teacher for Kindergarten is Thursday, August 18 and Early Childhood is Monday, August 22

Thursday, 8/18 @ 9am: 5K / Kindergarten will meet in the sanctuary at 9am on the main campus and then visit the classrooms.  Kindergarten parents who also have younger CBA children can visit their classrooms and teachers after the Kindergarten “Meet the Teacher”s instead of coming back a second time on Monday. Kindergarten families will have 2 options available after visiting […]

New Family Meet & Greet!

The PTF invites all new CBA families to our annual New Family Meet and Greet! We will have cold brew and pastries to enjoy, with a quick welcome from Dr. Johnson. When: August 23rd: 8:30 amWhere: CBA basketball court (main campus)Who: All new families! Please feel free to join, even if your child does not attend on […]

Thank you! Gracias! Xie xie!

Thank you to everyone who helped get CBA ready for the new year last Saturday!  We are so grateful for the sweat and care you put into improving the facilities and for the fellowship.

Financial Planning!

Dear parents, we have added to the annual calendar when there are extraordinary financial requests so you can plan ahead. As a school, we want to be careful to not “nickel and dime” or charge surprise costs.    For our academic programs, we annually charge a registration fee to cover yearly onboarding costs (January), a supply/textbook fee (July), […]

Expected Student Outcomes

As the school year soon draws to a close, it is important to look back and review who we are and how did we do this year towards accomplishing our goals. According to our mission statement, In partnership with parents, CBA exists to inspire world changers through Christ-centered, intercultural, immersion-based education. CBA seeks to kindle community […]

Fun Times at CBA

We want to extend our deepest “thank you” to our Charleston Bilingual Academy “framilies” for your strong support with our fundraiser. We are astonished by how much we’ve raised and some contributions are still coming in. Many of our classes won a variety of parties and special celebrations because of their hard work with the […]

Inaugural Framily Fun Run proves huge success

Thank you to all of our families and your friends who attended our inaugural Framily Fun Run.  It was a huge success. Our school raised $55,000 with more than 900 donors.   Praise the Lord!! We are thanking God for your kindness! We had donors from across the country!  All of the money we raised is […]

CBA, Friendship Baptist Church Offer Biblical Parenting 101

You’re invited – Register by May 4! Biblical Parenting Basics, Part 1:  Who’s in charge, why does it matter and what does it look like?  Friday, May 6 from 6-7:30pm at Charleston Bilingual Academy/Friendship Baptist Church We know academic success relies on support at home. This class is one way we can partner with and support […]

The Smell of Dirt: A Message from Mrs. Lane

I love spring. The earth seems to come alive all around – bird songs awakening the day, flowers springing forth, trees budding in splashes of new green, and cool morning breezes warmed to afternoon delights. But one of my favorite parts of spring is the smell of fresh dirt. Yes, dirt has a smell. As […]