Our theme this year is “Music All Around Me.”
Black History Month, or African American History Month, started as a week-long celebration in the US in schools and churches in 1926, sponsored by an Association of Black History. The week was chosen because of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12 and Frederick Douglass’s birthday on February 14; Black communities had celebrated these dates together since the late 19th century. The popularity of this celebration spread over the years, until it was recognized by President Gerald Ford in 1976 as a month-long celebration. Since then, the United Kingdom also added Black History Month, which they observe in October. Germany and Canada also celebrate Black History Month in February.
Look below to see how we are celebrating a rich history of musical contributions from African roots to present-day performers and creators, including Charleston connections, and please feel free to add some of your own.
If you are not comfortable with Google Slides, please email the information to amyers@charlestonbilingualacademy.org.
This presentation will grow during the month up to the last week of February.
Parents and friends and family are invited to read to our kids at the FBC Campus. English is just fine because the object is to learn about diversity and celebrate BHM (by this time of the year, all the children have advanced in their Spanish). We have a wide selection of children’s picture books for BHM. Please coordinate with your child’s teacher or, if you are willing to read to more than one class, please email Mrs. Hart, the EC Director at mhart@charlestonbilingualacademy.org. Thank you!
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