Dear parents,
Throughout the year, students in Grades 1-9 will have opportunities to participate in field studies in South Carolina and activities at the FBC and HABC campuses as well as events at the Park Circle Playground and at the North Charleston Sports Complex (1455 Monitor Street).
These activities include but are not limited to:
- field studies
- presentations to preschool and Kindergarten students at FBC
- afterschool sports and clubs
- middle and high school tennis elective
- Park Circle Playground events (ex: CBA Fun Run, field day, class prizes, etc.)
Parents will be notified in advance that their child’s class will be attending these activities.
Please sign the permission slip below once per school year to authorize your child to ride the CBA bus or walk to the Park Circle Playground.
*This is a general authorization form and is different from the individual field studies that students will participate in throughout the year. Parents will receive trip-specific permission slips for field studies.