CBA 2022-23 Field Trip Chaperone Form

Chaperone Name(Required)
Enter CBA Student's Name and Relationship (if applicable)
I have read and agree to abide by the CBA Field Trip Expectations for Students and Chaperones document.(Required)
I will be transporting students in my own vehicle and will provide proof of insurance to the Charleston Bilingual Academy office BEFORE the day of the field trip. (Please either A) Take a picture of the front and back of your driver's license and email to OR B) Bring a copy to the receptionist). I understand that my vehicle insurance shall serve as the primary insurance coverage in the event of an accident during the field trip.
I will provide a copy of my driver's license to the Charleston Bilingual Academy office BEFORE the day of the field trip so the CBA Office can run a background check. (Please either A) Take a picture of the front and back of your driver's license and email to OR B) Bring a copy to the receptionist).
MM slash DD slash YYYY