Though the snow changed many of our plans, our 3rd-grade students still had a fantastic time at their Wellness Fair! They explored the incredible ways God designed our bodies to move, grow, and thrive. Psalm 139:14 reminds us, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Throughout the semester students have been asking the question, “How can we keep healthy and encourage others to keep healthy so that we can serve others?” They started their search with the study of DNA and then moved forward, looking at many of the body systems that all work together without us even thinking about it. This week was a beautiful reminder that caring for our bodies is a way to be able to help help others and honor the Lord and the gift of life He has given us. On Friday, the students shared their learning with ESL students at Dunston Elementary School as they took their learning to the community! This week was a beautiful reminder that caring for our bodies is a way to honor the Lord and the gift of life He has given us. And the snow brought an unexpected way to celebrate our health and move our bodies!!
A special congratulations to our Food Art Project winners this year! Your creativity reflected the beauty and abundance of God’s creation, and we were inspired by every submission.
A special thanks to CBA mom Sarah Martin and the 3rd grade teachers for taking the lead in such a wonderful week!

Most Appetizing: 1st place: Benjamin, grade 1, Octopus

2nd Place: Rossi, grade 1, Petals

Most Creative: 1st Place: Adaline, grade 4, Alien Invasion

2nd Place: Ezekiel, grade 3, Monkey-O

Most Unusual: 1st Place: Pen, grade 2, Park Circle Pond
Not Pictured: 2nd Place: Anika, grade 7, Roaring For Veggies
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