It’s that time of year – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection! This year, FBC and CBA are partnering to collect boxes for this ministry from November 3-16.  As part of their Leadership class, CBA 6th and 7th grade students will be coordinating this effort and will have empty boxes and labels available for families to pick up at the 6th and 7th grade table at the Fall Festival on November 3. After that, parents can pick up boxes at drop-off or pick-up.  Once we run out of empty boxes, families can use their own shoeboxes or order colorful preprinted ones.

Please visit the website to find out how to pack a box.

Once families have packed their boxes, they can drop them off at the HABC front office or at the FBC campus main entrance (under the Welcome sign). The last day to drop off filled boxes is November 16 so that the students can check the boxes and so that FBC church members can pray over them before taking them to the local collection site. If you have any questions about Operation Christmas Child, please call or text the school.