Chatterbox is joining with CBA to provide free screenings for our students, making sure that they are reaching their milestones and providing assistance if needed. All age levels are welcome to be screened.  If you would like your child to be screened you need to fill out the form.  This is only for permission to be screened, this is not signing up for therapy or joining chatterbox. Your child will only be screened if you turn the form in by Monday Oct. 30th.  All results and any further steps will be discussed directly with the parents.  You are under no obligation to continue with Chatterbox afterwards, but they are a trusted resource.  The screenings will take place during the school day on October 31st and November 1st.  You do not need to do anything more than fill out the form and turn it in. 
Click here to print, complete and return the form if you would like for your child to receive a free speech screening.
The handouts are also available in Spanish by going to: