At their Generations Gatherings each month, Grade 4 welcomes, befriends, and learns from the older generation!
One of CBA’s “Expected Student Outcomes” (ESOs) is to see our students become courageous leaders who humbly serve, employing their gifts and talents to generously love others. Those ‘others’ also mean others of different ages. Each and every person we meet is an individual created in the image of God with value and importance. The experience about to begin would include the opportunity for these young people to show honor and respect to a different generation as they played games, enjoyed snacks, and talked together.
We also desire our students to experience the joy of learning from those who have experienced life and learned from it. Another of our ESOs is to develop a global perspective by understanding issues from multiple perspectives and interact compassionately with all cultures. The Generations Gathering hour is one of learning to listen well and have conversations that link the generations. The students prepare questions in advance and eagerly set out to ask and listen to learn how school and life were different for their new older friends than their own.
The Generations Gatherings meet once per month at the Holmes Avenue Baptist Church (HABC) Campus, 4602 Durant Avenue, North Charleston SC 29405.
Generations Gathering dates:
September 28
November 2
November 30
January 25
February 29
March 28
April 25