Hey moms!
St. Andrew’s Park Circle is hosting a time of connection and engaging the Bible this fall on Tuesdays (9-10:30) lead by one of our CBA moms Sarah Katherine Oliphant with support from Jackie Hammes. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at the Holmes Avenue campus. We’d love for you to join us after drop off! (Coffee/tea and fellowship will start at 8:15 but the study not until 9 so there’s time for preschool mamas to get there too.)
From 9:00 – 10:30 we will dive into intentional conversation together about God’s Word. Join us as we spend ten weeks talking about how all the Bible stories are really part of one big story – a story in which we get to play an active role. We will explore this narrative using Courtney Doctor’s Garden to Glory. It includes thought provoking questions, engaging insights, and accessible ways to engage with the Scriptures at home during the week. This topic and study is perfect for those who have not spent much time in the Bible before, while being rich enough for those who have spent years studying it. We are looking forward to building new relationships and strengthening old ones as we delve into the Word.
Please register ahead of time no later than August 31.
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