Early Childhood News & Tips: Z-A Countdown Week 5
Monday is “Harina empieza con H” = Flour Day.
We will “play” with flour in class today by making homemade playdough or salt dough ornaments.
Tuesday is “Los Guna viven en Panama” = The Guna of Panama Day.
We will learn about this fantastic indigenous people group in the San Blas islands of Panama. They are famous for their art, such as that featured in their women’s clothing called “Molas.” In class, we will do scratch art to simulate Molas and learn about the Guna (also known as Kuna) and Panama in Chapel today.
Wednesday is “Flamenco Day.”
CBA parents James Jiang and Jackie Hammes will demonstrate and teach us about this storied dance from Spain.
Thursday is “Estrella” = Star Day.
Wear sunglasses, boas, or anything that makes you feel like a star. Today some of our classes perform for “Grandparents Day #1.”
Friday is “Delfin rosado del Ecuador” = Pink Dolphins from Ecuador Day.
In class, we will learn about Ecuador and these cool dolphins, also known as Botos. The other half of our Early Childhood program will perform for “Grandparents Day #2.”