Father-Daughter Dance photos available for download!
Please read this update from CBA parent photographer Ashley Bryan, and be sure to download photos by WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15.
Hola CBA Moms and Dads!
Thank you for letting me capture all those tutus and crowns at the CBA Dance! Despite tough lighting at the Armory, it was such a JOY to capture y’all and your BEAUTIFUL girls!
1. Free Portraits (A images) can be downloaded from the link sent to your email address. Please email Ashley Bryan if you did not receive the link: noisettecreekphotography@gmail.com
2. Additional Images (B images) can be downloaded for a small fee ($2.50) with the link sent to your email address.
You can also print through MPix directly from the website (saves you time and energy!), just click print and the size you want. You can even print to canvas or wood from my website. Shutterfly, Walmart, CVS are also great options for printing, but especially if you want to “blow up” a photo for large printing, I would use either MPix – this is a professional quality printing service and will print large prints without making your photos blurry.
Please Note:
If there are any pictures you would like to have “touched up” or further edited please let me know and I can try to adjust them as needed. **If your photos are missing, please let me know. There were hundreds to sort through and between downloading and uploading they may have gotten left out. Don’t worry, I can upload any that are missing***
When you share your photos on Social Media, please be sure to share/tag @Noisette Creek Photography as the photographer. Feel free to tell your friends about my photography and direct them to my website: https://noisettecreekphotography.mypixieset.com. I would love to photograph you and your family for future milestones and sweet events! Dads, don’t forget Mother’s Day is coming up! Check my website above for my photography style and photography pricing.
Ashley Bryan
Please consider leaving a Google Review for my business at g.page/noisette-creek-photography?share

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