Welcome back! As we get ready to go for a great second half of the school year, here are a few reminders:
Uniforms: Please see the CBA uniform policy in the Parent/Student Handbook, section 8.4, for more details on where to purchase your child’s uniform.
Sweaters: It is chilly outside and sometimes inside. Sweaters worn INSIDE must be solid navy blue with no writing on them.
Shirts: Polo shirts must be: navy blue, light blue, bright yellow, or white. They can be short or long sleeved.
Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Jumpers: khaki or navy blue
Leggings: solid, single color, leggings may be worn only under shorts or jumpers. They may not be worn ‘as pants’. They may not have patterns.
Fridays are PE day. PE uniforms are:
– CBA t-shirt
– Solid Navy Blue athletic shorts or Athletic Pants. (no leggings unless worn under shorts)
– Tennis shoes
– Outdoor jackets must be removed inside the building.
Arrival- Elementary and Middle School BEGINS at 8:15. Please plan to drop off your child between 8:05 and 8:14 so that they are ready to begin at 8:15.
Dismissal – Elementary and Middle School dismissal is at 3:15. Please plan to arrive so that you are able to pick up your child before 3:25. There is a fee charged for students who are not picked up by 3:25.
Toys at school/Electronics
Children are so excited about new toys and electronics they may have received over Christmas break. We want them to enjoy them…. at home. To keep toys & electronics from distracting them or others, and to keep them from getting broken or lost, we ask that they do not bring toys or electronics to school. This includes Pokeman trading cards – please save them for home play. Thank you!
Our main source of communication between parents and the school/teachers is ClassDojo. Make sure you are checking it regularly.
Parents are to send in a healthy snack each day along with a water bottle that does not leak, containing ONLY water. Snacks should be pre-cut into bite-size pieces appropriate for your child’s age. If your child has a food allergy, please notify the teacher and school. Teachers will send out a notice to all parents if there is a student in the classroom that has an allergy. Snacks may include veggies, fruits, cheese, cold-cut meats, or other healthy foods. Please do not send candy, excessive sweets, or food items that need to be heated. Parents of students who attend all day should also pack a lunch for their child.