CBA partners with parents to keep our community healthy. CBA, like the general population in SC, has experienced high cases of respiratory disease, including influenza, early this season. Since the beginning of the school year, there have also been cases of the common childhood disease Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD), as well as cases of strep throat, both of which are highly contagious.
In an effort to keep everyone as healthy as possible, CBA takes the following precautions:
– Our Security and Facilities Manager, Lenny Johnson, sprays the school every morning with a hydrostatic sprayer.
– Our teachers are making sure that our students are washing and sanitizing their hands.
– Our cleaning staff and our teachers are disinfecting surfaces including table tops, door handles, and light switches daily.
How can you help?
– Make sure your child is getting lots of rest, time outdoors, healthy snacks/food, and water.
– Help your child know how to sneeze into their elbow rather than into their hands.
CDC recommends everyone six months and older get an annual flu vaccine.
– The attached chart compares symptoms of the common cold and influenza. However, this should not be used as a diagnostic tool; consult with your child’s pediatrician if they experience symptoms of any illness.
As a reminder from the Parent/Student Handbook, section 4.6.3, a child who has been ill should not return to school until:
- he/she has been fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication.
- he/she has been symptom-free and without vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
- he/she has been on antibiotics for 24 hours for highly contagious illnesses such as strep, conjunctivitis, etc.