We officially launched our biggest fundraiser of the year at a school-wide pep rally on Friday, April 8, and we have planned a slew of activities leading up to the FRAMILY FUN RUN on April 30!

WHY we’re doing this FUNdraiser:
1) Connecting with each other is important. We see the CBA community as our family, and it’s time for a family reunion.
2) Our goal is to raise $60K for our teachers for next year. The money we raise will go directly to teacher raises, a retirement match, subscriptions to Neighbor’s Med, and other investments in our teachers that we know will strengthen our school community. We don’t want to raise tuition more than 3% and this is why we’d love your help to raise funds!
If you’ve already registered, now is the time to have your student secure sponsorships through their page on the site.
There will be lots of prizes for kids who secure pledges. Prize levels are based on the dollar per lap a student raises, and the prizes get better and better! More importantly, we hope our students see God bring in donations and provide. (We hope you’ll encourage your student to write “thank you” notes.)
Even if you can’t attend the Framily Fun Run on April 30, there will be many activities for students in the two weeks leading up to the event. One way students can participate is by securing one-time donations. And if students want to run their laps, we have make-up days planned during the school day in PE.
Plus, if enough students participate and we meet our goals, there will be some pretty cool classroom perks. For example, the class can earn extra recess time, a popcorn or pizza party, and more!
We will have fun, SURPRISE school-wide prizes if we hit our goal, so stay tuned!!