Early childhood education students are in for a treat in the final days of the school year!

Starting Wednesday, April 20, we are counting down the final days of school by featuring a letter of the alphabet each day.  The goal of these activities is to have FUN and not lose momentum as we head into summer.

The idea is for students to relate the letters of the alphabet to real objects; we will have a themed day for each letter from Z to A, covering everything from the ‘X’ in ‘Mexico’ to the ‘K’ in ‘karate’!

Check your child’s backpack for a printout and click this link for the activity schedule: COUNTDOWN ACTIVITIES

Yellow-highlighted items are opportunities for parents to get involved. Our hope is that these activities are SIMPLE, even though some will require parent involvement. We don’t want parents to feel stressed or obligated to participate. We hope this is a fun way for our families to round out another successful year at CBA!