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In January, Dr. Nathan Johnson will host a series of three Parent Chats.

The series was originally scheduled for January 5 and 6. However, with the rise in COVID cases, the schedule must be adjusted.

Families are invited to the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am for the Chats with Dr. Johnson on January 19 and 20. Dr. Johnson will also host a Zoom on January 20 at 8:30 pm. The Zoom information is below.

All of our families are invited to participate, but the purpose of this series is to talk about specific grade levels.

On January 19, the discussion with be centered around our rising kindergarten students. And on January 20, the topic will be most applicable to our rising first-grade students. The Zoom chat on the evening of January 20 will be a recap of both for families who cannot attend the morning Chats.

Want to learn more about the first grade at CBA? Listen to Dr. Johnson here.

Dr. Johnson will break down CBA’s unique curricular approach that is based on child development and international best practice. These are very different than traditional American educational practices. He will explain the vision for the elementary school and discuss CBA’s approach to kindergarten education.

Join us virtualy via Zoom Thursday evening:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 805 979 3817

Passcode: 024919


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