After careful consideration of multiple factors, the CBA COVID task force has approved a plan to provide outdoor classes instead of quarantines. This shift is contingent on a number of factors.
Under this new plan, the COVID-positive person and others who experienced a very close exposure would still be quarantined.
At this time, there seems to be less risk of transmission because of mask and/or shield wearing and because of the percentage of time students already spend outdoors.
The plan is also contingent on the probability of good weather for the outdoor class schedule. If there is an outdoor classroom due to COVID exposure and inclement weather occurs, then for kindergarten through 5th grade we would move that class into a very large classroom; have students very socially distanced; and every student would be masked.
Under this plan, parents of the impacted class must be committed to keeping their child home should they have any symptoms, even a headache, until the student receives a negative PCR/molecular test.
If a parent has any reservations about this new policy, they are welcome to keep their child home through what would have been the quarantine week.
In the event CBA transitions to an outdoor option and more children test positive, CBA reserves the right to quarantine the class.
“I am very grateful to lead the school of such supportive teachers, office staff and parents,” Mr. Johnson said. “Please join us as we continue to pray for the health of everyone in the CBA community.”