May 31: Piano Recital @ FBC

Maestra Ingrid’s piano students invite you to their annual recital on Friday, May 31 at 5:30pm in the FBC Sanctuary!

Mighty Oaks Say “Thank You!” to Generations Gatherings Friends! 

In April, Grade 4 students hosted the last Generations Gathering of this school year.  Students shared a scrapbook they had made of the things they learned about their new friends.  It was a fun time of getting to know friends from different generations, playing games, and encouraging one another.  The students also invited their new […]

Wait Until 8th Charleston

Dear friends,  I just signed the Wait Until 8th pledge to delay giving my kids smartphones. The Wait Until 8th pledge empowers parents to rally together to delay giving children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade.  By banding together, this will decrease the pressure felt by kids and parents alike over […]

May 15: CCPL Summer Reading Program Begins

This summer, make reading a priority! Join the Charleston County Public Library summer reading program to win great prizes AND keep your reading skills sharp! Click this link to the Beanstack site. This is where participants can log their reading to get credit for prizes.  You can find a list of great books by grade […]

Uniform Swap

Our children grow so quickly! Before we know it they have outgrown their school uniforms, so we have decided to have a uniform swap! How does it work? –    Donate clean uniform items that your children have outgrown to the “Swap Bins” at the HABC Front Door. –    Donated items must fit the CBA uniform […]

May 20: Last EC Teacher Lunch of the Year

Our last EC teacher lunch of the year will be May 20. Help us show love and appreciation for all our EC teachers have done this year by helping with the lunch. If you are able to help, please sign up using the link below.

CBA Voted “Best Preschool” in 2024 Best of the Holy City!

We were notified by Charleston Living Magazine that CBA has won in the “Best Preschool” category!  Since opening our doors in 2014, the school has grown to over 315 students spanning 2 year olds through Middle Schoolers. The groundbreaking partnership with Charleston Southern University allows CBA to sponsor H1B1 visas. As a result the CBA […]

May Character Quality: Forgiveness

The character quality of the month for May: Forgiveness. Definition: Letting go of bitterness and revenge Memory Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Reference: Ephesians 4:32 We explain to students some practical ways they can practice this trait. I will: Acknowledge the pain others feel Seek […]