Weekly Celebration Report- Thank You, CBA Family!

Thank You, CBA Family! We are thrilled to share that our community came together in an incredible way at the end of 2024—making it our biggest giving season yet! Thanks to the generosity of CBA families, friends, local organizations, and supporters, this year’s Giving Tuesday, 10th Anniversary celebrations, and End-of-Year Giving Campaign were wonderful successes. Not only […]
January Educators of the Month

January 21-24: CBA Elementary/Middle School Wellness Week

CBA Grade 3 students are hosting a Wellness Fair and you are invited to join! Throughout the past semester students have been investigating the question, “How can we live a healthy life so that we can be prepared to serve others?” Starting at the cellular level, students have studied how their bodies were created and […]
“Manners Matter” Afterschool Program for Grades 4-8

Manners Matter! Enroll your child in a short, 7-week, after-school class to learn more. Students will learn the most appropriate methods for social interaction in commonly occurring scenarios, including making introductions, holding conversations, serving others, gift exchanges and preparing and participating in setting up formal and informal meals. Students will learn and practice appropriate ways […]
March 5: Pack the Pantry for FBC & HABC

We are Packing the Pantry! Pack the Pantry is one of the many thoughtful ways parents can show the teachers their gratitude! It is as simple as 1-2-3. 1. Parents can make a designated donation to the PTF (Venmo @CBA-PTF is preferred, last four 8944). 2. The PTF will purchase healthy snacks (or occasionally […]
January 9: Parent Connect & Blood Drive at HABC

Join us for an exciting morning: coffee with fellow parents and a math demonstration by Grade 2 at 8:45, then an incredible topic discussion led by our director. CBA is also having a Blood Drive at HABC parking lot from 8-11 am. All of this happens when you donate blood at CBA: Save a life […]
January Character Quality: Perseverance

The character quality of the month for January: Perseverance. Definition: Overcoming obstacles in order to reach my goal Memory Verse: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before […]
How giving $100 can help change a life

Want to Know the Power of $100? Dear Partner, It is our desire that every child have a chance to grow, learn, and thrive through a world class education that shares the good news of the Gospel- that they were created with a purpose and are dearly loved. At Charleston Bilingual Academy, our scholarship fund helps […]
End of the Year Giving Stocks

How Giving Stocks is a Win Win Year End Gift to Change A Life! Dear CBA Family, As the year ends, if you are considering giving an end of the year gift or know someone who wants to bless the school, one beneficial option is through donating stocks. Because of the strong market this year, […]
End of the Year Giving Opportunity

With Your End of Year Gift You Can Become a Catalyst for Change in a Child’s Life By Unlocking a World of Opportunities Did you know your monthly or one time gift could transform the ENTIRE trajectory of a child’s life—academically, spiritually, and globally? Unfortunately, socioeconomic status prevents most children from accessing world-class education. Read more about that here. This is where you come in. […]