February 24: Annual CBA Father-Daughter Dance

February 24: CBA Father Daughter Dance Save the Date!The annual CBA Father-Daughter Dance will be on Saturday, February 24, 2024! Who: All CBA daughters are welcome! What: Food, Dancing, and Fun! When: Saturday, February 24, 5:30-7:30 Where: Centerpoint Church at Remount (1520 Remount Rd, North Charleston) $25 per couple (extra daughters are free) if you sign up by February […]

January 20: Friendship Baptist Church Men’s “Meat & Meet”

Men!  Let’s “meet” for a great “meaty” meal and then a “meaty” time in the Word of God.  Rich Johnson is smoking up some pulled pork, chicken and sausages, to feed our bodies, Nate Johnson is bringing us food to feed our souls from the Word God.  This event is for young adults (18+… ish) […]

January 18: Pack the Pantry for FBC & HABC Teachers

Let’s help fuel our teachers and show our appreciation for all they do to engage our students, by providing healthy snack options for them to grab throughout the day! Thank you!  Jackie Hammes, CBA Parent and Pack-the-Pantry Lead Preferred Method: If you would like to Venmo donations for Pack the Pantry, please send donations to […]

January 23: Papa Johns Spirit Night

Join CBA Spirit Night by ordering pizza from one of Papa John’s multiple locations that are listed on the flyer! CBA will earn 20% of sales during this time. *USE CODE: CBARTD20

Using the Family Demographic Form to Update Your Child’s Authorized Pick-Up Info in FACTS

FACTS Family Portal: Using the Family Demographic Form to Update Your Child’s Authorized Pick-Up InfoParents, you can update your child’s Emergency Contacts or Authorized Pick-Up contacts in the FACTS Family Portal using the Family Demographic Form.  This form will also allow you to change photo permissions and other information in your child’s profile.  You will have an […]

Gospel of John: That You May Believe at Friendship Baptist Church

Restarting Sunday, January 21 @ 11:00am.  “That You May Believe” – Restarting January 21st, Pastor Mark will be leading us through a verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of John. The goal is to get to know Jesus, through the written testimony of his closest friend. Sundays at 11:00am, Spanish interpretation and children’s ministry available. 

2024-25 Re-Enrollment Information

1/8/2024: CBA is gearing up for re-enrollment 2024-2025, which begins on January 24!  We will post details on how to re-enroll in an upcoming newsletter.In the meantime, here are the important dates to remember:  January 24: Re-enroll w/DISCOUNTED fee ($210/current student) & Financial Aid application opens for 2024-25 February 2: LAST DAY to re-enroll w/DISCOUNTED fee ($210/current […]

January 12: PTF Meeting

With multiple spring events planned, we have lots to discuss!  Please join us at FBC at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.  We need YOU!

Focused: How the Gospel Changes Our Lives at Holmes Avenue Baptist Church

Series begins Sunday, January 14 @ 11:00am.  As the new year starts we’re focused on many things and we don’t realize how these things change our lives. What if we focused on the gospel and explore how it changes our lives daily? Join us Sunday at 11 am as we begin our journey through the book […]