August 19-20: MAP Testing for Grades 1-8

It’s time for MAP testing! This week CBA Elementary and Middle School are taking the beginning-of-year MAP test. All grade 1 -8 students will complete MAP in Spanish reading, English reading, and Spanish math. Grades 5 – 8 will also complete English Language Usage. The NWEA MAP Growth test is a nationally normed, standardized achievement test. It is a […]

CBA Afterschool Activities begin August19th

CBA Afterschool Activities will begin August 19th! Afterschool activities begin August 19 – it’s not too late to sign up. *Please note this date was incorrect on the school calendar but we have updated it. We have started a waitlist for these fall activities: STEM and basketball. Sports and Clubs   Kindergarten afternoon program

Arrival & Dismissal Reminders for 2024-25

Dismissal Time Reminders Parents, we ask that you please review section 5.2.2 Dismissal Times in the CBA Parent-Student Handbook: ● EC (2yo – 4K) without Lunch Bunch: 11:50 am● EC (2yo – 4K) with Lunch Bunch: 12:25 pm ***see note below ● Kindergarten without Afternoon Program: 12:45pm● Kindergarten with Afternoon Program: 3:15pm● Grades 1- 4: 3:15pm● Grades 5 – 8: 3:30pm● […]

FACTS Family Portal: Using the Family Demographic Form to Update Important Information

Parents, you can update your child’s information, including emergency contacts, authorized pick-up contacts, photo permissions, and other information in the FACTS Family Portal using the Family Demographic Form at any time during the year.  The beginning of the school year is the best time to check that all of the information is still accurate; please be sure to keep your family’s […]

August 19, Preschool (2-4yo): Meet the Teacher Day

All families are invited to attend as there will be: -time to go over the “mapping of the year” (9:30-9:50) -time to meet the teachers in the classrooms and get a copy of the schedule (9:55-10:05) -orientation time in small groups led by veteran parents in the play areas such as the ones next to […]

August 15, Kindergarten: Meet the Teacher Day

All families are invited to attend as there will be: -time to go over the “mapping of the year” (9:30-9:50) -time to meet the teachers in the classrooms and get a copy of the schedule (9:55-10:05) -orientation time in small groups led by veteran parents in the play areas such as the ones next to […]

August 13, Grades 1-8: Meet The Teacher Day

You are invited to come and meet your teachers, see your classroom, and get ready for a great year. To provide space for everyone (grades 1 – 8) to come, we will have 2 time slots for “MTTD” opportunities. Please choose one time slot by visiting ClassDojo to sign up (see image below). Each group […]