⏰ The Countdown is On ⏰


During this week’s countdown we recognize that we aren’t even aware of all of the amazing ways God is at work.  Ephesians 3 reminds us that He is “able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think”. This truth is evident in all of the testimonies we consistently hear. Jesus is moving in our school and we wouldn’t want it any other way! Please watch this short video with a few testimonials of how God is changing entire families through Charleston Bilingual Academy. Then, we challenge you to send us YOUR 20 second testimonial of how your family has been changed. 

Praise Jesus for the work He is doing in our students, teachers, administration, churches, and families! If you’d like to share your CBA story, please email a short video to: hyates@charlestonbilingualacademy.org