CBA 2025-26 Field Study Trip/Bus/Personal Vehicle/Playground Liability Parental Consent and Release Form (5K – 9th Grade)

Student's Name (Please complete a separate form for each student)(Required)
Student's Grade for the 25-26 School Year(Required)
Parent or Guardian's Name(Required)
Parent/Guardian Permission to Walk to Off-Campus Playground (Please select ONE)(Required)
Parent/Guardian Permission to Ride the CBA Bus or in a Personal Vehicle - Please check ONE of the boxes below regarding permission to ride to field studies and other activities.(Required)
By checking this box, I affirm that I have carefully read and signed the CBA 25-26 Off-Campus Playground/Electives Liability Parental Consent and Release Form & the 25-26 Field Study, Bus, & Personal Vehicle Liability Parental Consent and Release Form for the 25-26 school year and agree to its terms knowingly and voluntarily. This consent and release submitted to CBA for this school year has been read and is understood by myself.(Required)
By checking this box, I affirm that I have provided CBA with all parent/guardian contact information and any special conditions for my child (allergies, medical conditions, etc.). I also agree that I will keep all parent/guardian, student, and emergency contact information (including medical information) up-to-date in the Student database (FACTS).(Required)
I am the parent/legal guardian of the child named above.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.