Join us for an exciting morning: coffee, pastries & great mingling with fellow parents at 8:15, an adorable demonstration by the kindergarten class at 8:45, and an incredible topic discussion led by our director.
Calling all CBA Parents!
Join other parents after drop-off for coffee, donuts and great conversation at 8:15 am in the FBC Fellowship Hall.
The Parent Connect starts at 8:45 and will begin with an adorable presentation by Kindergarten students. Maestra Margarita, Director of Early Childhood Education, will then share what she has learned about Conscious Discipline, including practical techniques you can apply at home!
About Conscious Discipline (CD): CD is about being mindful before we act and responding to what our children may need. When we function from a higher level in our brain, we can become aware of situations, pause, compose ourselves, and then “download” calm to ourselves and to our kids, instead of blindly judging and reacting.
CBA staff are trained to lovingly “shepherd our flock” of students. Since COVID-19 promoted isolation, our youngest ones have come with more fight/flight/freeze responses. After attending 45 hours of CD training and sharing these principles with CBA teachers the last 2 years, Maestra Margarita would like to share what they have learned with CBA parents and caregivers. CD is not only beneficial in adult-child relationships but also in how we adults relate to other adults, no matter what age!

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