CBA Parents,

I wanted to express my gratitude for the incredibly thoughtful gift that was given to me. I am blown away at your generosity. The last 5 years of being a PTF leader has brought me so much joy and only increased my adoration for CBA. Not only do we have the most loving school on the planet, we also have the best families. It truly has been an honor to serve. With that being said, I am so excited to announce the new PTF leadership team for the 2024-2045 school year. These women have stepped up to take PTF to new heights and I can’t wait to see how they fly!
WIth love and gratitude, 
Megan Cannon
Hello CBA!
Please take a few minutes to watch THIS VIDEO from Dr. Johnson as he shares the heart and vision behind the 5 hours of required volunteer hours for 2024-2045 (as stated in the handbook). We are thrilled to have already started planning for next school year. Be on the lookout later this week for a digital form to sign-up for areas of volunteer interest. Together, we can continue to fulfill the mission of the PTF by supporting our teachers, school and each other. 
Jackie, Ashlee, Kelsey, Lauren, Lindsey and Codey