Charleston Bilingual Academy is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and developing immersion-based education.
FBC Campus (Early Childhood)
HABC Campus (Elem/MS)
Moms Who Pray at CBA
Come join fellow parents and grandparents of CBA every other Thursday as we pray for our children and the school.
-All CBA parents and grandparents are welcome!
-Location: Sanctuary (enter through the CBA back entrance)
-Session 1: 8:10-8:35 for Moms of Elementary students
-Session 2: 8:35-9:05 for Moms of Preschool students
Upcoming prayer meeting dates:
March 30
April 20
May 4
May 18
A Spanish-immersion and Mandarin-immersion, intercultural, Christ-centered Academy
Through a project-based approach, CBA engages children’s language geniuses and various cultures, and is committed to partnering with parents to carve characters, instill the love of God, and equip intellects, in efforts to inspire children to impact lives around them regardless of linguistic and cultural barriers.
Charleston Bilingual Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin and otherwise admits students in compliance with applicable law.
CBA Early Childhood Education (2yo-5K)
Friendship Baptist Church Campus
5032 Lackawanna Blvd.
North Charleston, SC 29405
CBA Elementary & Middle School
Holmes Avenue Baptist Church Campus
4602 Durant Ave.
North Charleston, SC 29405
Submit an Inquiry form to receive the CBA tour calendar!
Student Records
Copyright © 2022 | Charleston Bilingual Academy. | All Rights Reserved. | Built with & by Collett Media.
Charleston Bilingual Academy is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operating under the business name Clapham Education Group. Contributions to Charleston Bilingual Academy are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Clapham Education Group’s tax identification number is 82-1567491.