Thank you for your flexibility in learning CBA’s drop-off and pick-up routines!
1) VERY IMPORTANT – Please remember to ALWAYS present your family’s authorized pickup card when picking up your child. Among the many reasons we ask this, there may be office staff at the door that haven’t met you yet as we start the year.
**You and your authorized contacts can take a picture to show in case you ever forget to bring the printout.**
2) On rainy days like today, we will enact this plan for preschool. Thank you for your help keeping everyone as safe as possible!
Maribel’s (20mo – EE 1A) and Liz’s (2yo – EE 2A) class drop-offs are the same.
Marvel’s (EE 3A) drop-off is at the school’s front entrance.
Martha’s (EE 3B), Roxy’s (EE 3C), Virgen’s (EE 4KA) and Kindergarten (5KA and 5KB) drop-offs are at the back door.
Yami’s (EE 4B) and Illisbeth’s (EE 4C) drop-off locations are in the left lane by the blue house.
All other cars exit in the right lane. Please see the map below.
**If your child wears rain boots to school, it is always a good idea to pack tennis shoes in their backpack for physical activities in the classroom and outdoors.

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