CBA continues to be cautious in protecting our families from COVID. Our COVID task force, made up of local medical doctors, continues to monitor the situation.
Prevention and Safety Protocols
- The school will continue to disinfect every classroom and public areas daily with a hydrostatic sprayer. We will continue to teach good hygiene, including frequent hand washing and applying hand sanitizer at different times throughout the day (unless parents have indicated an allergy on their child’s profile).
- Ultimately, the most important factor is making sure those who are ill stay home. Per the CBA Parent-Student Handbook on the parent dashboard, students who have been ill must be fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication and without vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning.
- Masks are optional.
Illness and Exposures
- Individual illness
- If a student has tested positive for COVID, CBA will follow CDC guidelines.
- The student should stay home for 5 days and then wear a mask for 5 days (masking applies to 5K-6th graders).
- Classroom exposure
- If there is a COVID exposure in a classroom, the school will let the families of that class know. If several students test positive, the school will consider quarantining the class for a few days.