Each Thursday we take time at Elementary Morning Assembly to shout out “Way to go!” to students who have been shining in the past week.

We desire to see students become creative thinkers, confident communicators, courageous leaders, and men/women of character.

Part of being a leader is honoring your authorities and your country. Therefore each Thursday we also take time to pay special respect to our country with the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and the National Anthem.

On Thursday, May 12, we are excited to welcome to CBA the Color Guard from Joint Base Charleston to lead us. The Color Guard and flag bearers will march into the gym to conduct a presentation of the colors on the gym floor, demonstrating marching precision and team unity. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and the National Anthem will then be performed by CBA individuals. The Color Guard will also demonstrate the proper honorable folding of the flag.

We are excited to welcome courageous leaders from JB Charleston to our school!