We’ve seen so much generosity as we’ve invited our friends and family to partner with us in our goal to raise $60,000 for our teachers. This is a great exercise for our students to be brave in asking friends and family to support them and then watching God bring in the donations. Plus, we encourage our students to write “thank you” notes to everyone who sponsors them.

During our FUNdraising campaign, students are also rewarded with prizes based on how many pledges they secure per lap. Students can run their laps at the Framily Fun Run on April 30 or during PE at school.
Different prizes are awarded at different milestones. Students who raise $1, $2, or even $3 per lap earn prizes. And from there, the prizes get bigger and better.
There are also classroom prizes. Classes that raise $10 per lap collectively earn 10 minutes of extra recess. FUN!
Classes that raise $50 collectively earn a popcorn party. Students can measure their success daily on an individual chart in the classroom like the one pictured below.

Any student who raises $5 per lap earns the Toss and Stick ball game.

For students who raise at least $7 per lap, they earn the Ultimate Four Square Kit. Rule the playground with your very own Four Square Kit! The kit comes with a ball, air pump, and chalk–everything you need for the best recess ever.
Students who raise at least $10 per lap earn the Hangout Hammock. Hook it up between two sturdy trees or columns and chill!
Students who raise $15 per lap earn what’s called Bounce Boots. A one-size-fits-most boot that gives you a big ‘ol bounce when you walk in them.
Students who raise at least $20 per lap earn the Retro Scooter. The Retro Scooter is recommended for ages 6 and older.
For students who raise at least $30 per lap, they earn the Super S.T.E.A.M. Robot. Flex your creative skills with the Super S.T.E.A.M. Robot, a motorized robot that allows you to control its movements through a wireless controller.
WHY we’re doing this FUNdraiser:
1) Connecting with each other is important. We see the CBA community as our family, and it’s time for a family reunion.
2) Our goal is to raise $60K for our teachers for next year. The money we raise will go directly to teacher raises, a retirement match, subscriptions to Neighbor’s Med, and other investments in our teachers that we know will strengthen our school community.