Dear parents,
I am grateful that there was no COVID transmission on campus the last week before the break or new reports during the break. As you know, we quarantined Virgen’s and Illisbeth’s classes 2 weeks ago. These classes will return on Monday, 11/30. I am grateful for parents’ support in quarantining from school and after-school activities. I am also very thankful we followed DHEC recommendations. In total, 2 students, 3 teachers, and 4 parents ended up positive for COVID in these 2 classrooms. According to our contact tracing, the students and parents each contracted COVID from outside of school. Thankfully everyone has continued to mend and followed the CDC protocols. I praise God for protecting us from additional transmissions on campus. And I also praise God for giving us amazing teachers who come joyfully to work every day, knowing it is a reality they might contract COVID. I have never been part of a more special community!
If there is any chance your family has been exposed to COVID over break, please let us know. We need to be extra cautious these next three weeks.
When we return from break on 11/30, we are recommending that Virgen’s, Illisbeth’s and Josefa’s classes wear masks or shields. At this point we are not requiring masks for these classes but this could change based on local trends. We no longer recommend gaiters for any students, since children have a hard time keeping them on their faces.
I hope each family had a very thankful Thanksgiving break. Thankfulness is a key to entering God’s presence.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalms 100:4
Inspiring World Changers together,
Nathan Johnson Ed.D.